Shure Microflex Wireless neXt 2

Microflex Wireless neXt 2 是一款全方位無線麥克風系統,適用於演講廳、教室、培訓室、會議室和各類活動。


  • 最大系統容量: 40 個通道(標準密度)、80 個通道(高密度)
  • 工作頻率: 1.9 GHz DECT,具有自動干擾迴避功能
  • 內建 IntelliMix DSP,具有自動混音、回音消除、降噪、參量均衡和自動增益控制
  • 長續航時間: 領夾式和桌面式發射器最長可達 17 小時,手持式發射器最長可達 28 小時
  • 麥克風顯示屏: 顯示信號強度、剩餘電力、個人化麥克風名稱和所連接的房間名稱
  • 工作範圍: 150 英尺(50 米)
  • 集成充電基座和桌面收發器
  • 加密: AES-256
  • Dante 網路音訊: 2 個 RJ45 連接埠


Microflex Wireless neXt 2 提升您的音訊卓越表現

在現代工作的環境中,擁有一套可靠且多功能的無線麥克風系統至關重要。Microflex Wireless neXt 2是一套1.9 GHz DECT數位無線麥克風解決方案,專為講堂、教室、培訓室和會議室等現代工作空間而設計,提供出色的音訊表現和靈活性。


Microflex Wireless neXt 2最高可支援40個標準頻道或80個高密度頻道,能夠滿足大部分音訊需求。它搭載了Shure著名的Intellimix®數位訊號處理器技術,能夠提供無縫的音訊優化,包括自動回音消除、噪音抑制、參數EQ和自動增益控制等先進功能。


為確保持續不間斷的性能,Microflex Wireless neXt 2 提供了出色的電池續航力,領夾式發射器和桌面式發射器可達 17 小時,手持式發射器則高達 28 小時




憑藉Dante網路技術整合,Microflex Wireless neXt 2可與外部DSP、Dante擴音系統和天花板麥克風陣列完美連接,實現更靈活的音訊設置組合。加上 AES-256 加密和與第三方房間控制系統的兼容性,這套無線麥克風系統為現代工作空間提供了無與倫比的靈活性和安全性。

無論您是需要提升講堂、教室、培訓室還是會議室的音訊體驗,Microflex Wireless neXt 2 都是最終解決方案。探索這款全方位的無線麥克風系統,如何能夠提升您的音訊卓越表現,改變您的溝通與協作方式。


Elevate Your Audio Excellence with the Microflex Wireless neXt 2

In the fast-paced world of modern workspaces, the need for a reliable and versatile wireless microphone system has never been greater. Enter the Microflex Wireless neXt 2 – a cutting-edge 1.9 GHz DECT digital wireless microphone solution that is poised to revolutionize the way you experience audio in lecture halls, classrooms, training rooms, and boardrooms.

High Channel Capacity and Audio Optimization

Boasting a maximum capacity of 40 standard or 80 high-density channels, the Microflex Wireless neXt 2 is engineered to handle even the most demanding audio requirements. Powered by Shure’s renowned Intellimix® DSP technology, this system delivers seamless audio optimization through advanced features like automatic echo cancellation, noise reduction, parametric EQ, and automatic gain control.

Exceptional Performance with Intelligent Displays

Designed for uninterrupted performance, the Microflex Wireless neXt 2 offers impressive battery life of up to 17 hours for bodypack and boundary transmitters, and up to 28 hours for handheld transmitters. The intuitive microphone displays provide critical information at a glance, including range, remaining power, personalized names, and connected room details, ensuring you always stay in control of your audio environment.

Seamless Integration and Flexibility

Leveraging the power of Dante networking, the Microflex Wireless neXt 2 integrates seamlessly with external DSPs, Dante-enabled loudspeakers, and even ceiling array microphones, allowing for more complex setup scenarios. Coupled with AES-256 encryption and compatibility with third-party room control systems, this wireless microphone system delivers unparalleled flexibility and security to meet the demands of modern workspaces.

Whether you’re seeking to enhance the audio experience in a lecture hall, classroom, training room, or boardroom, the Microflex Wireless neXt 2 is the ultimate solution. Discover how this all-in-one wireless microphone system can elevate your audio excellence and transform the way you communicate and collaborate.

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