KEF Ci160QR 工程安裝揚聲器
KEF Ci160QR 揚聲器是一款專為天花板設計的超薄邊框喇叭。其時尚典雅的外觀可輕鬆融入任何天花板,而專利的 Uni-Q 單體技術則可將聲音散佈至更廣泛的範圍,讓您使用更少的揚聲器同時優化音場。Ci160QR 是那些希望在不影響美觀和空間的情況下享受豐富音效的完美解決方案。
KEF 的 Ci Q 系列揚聲器採用了 Ultra Thin Bezel (UTB) 設計,提供了最細緻的喇叭邊框,讓您在揚聲器放置上擁有更大的自由度。此外,揚聲器還採用了「坐在任何位置都能聽到」的 Uni-Q 單體技術,將高音揚聲器安置在低音/中音單體的聲學中心位置。這種設計使高音和低音單體成為一個單一的聲源,將聲音均勻地散佈到整個房間。
- 採用 Uni-Q 單體技術,將聲音散佈至更廣泛的範圍
- 擁有 6.5 吋低音單體和 0.75 吋高音單體
- 靈活的第一排聲音調節,可定制聲音
- 可使用 KEF KASA500 功放系統進行增強
- 可以在 2 步驟內輕鬆安裝
- 提供 8 Ω 阻抗和 87dB 靈敏度
- 具有超薄邊框設計,以實現完美的整合性
- 可以獨立或與其他 KEF 揚聲器組合使用,以獲得更豐富和全面的音響體驗
- 具有耐用的金屬藍寶石槽,增強揚聲器的耐用性
- KEF Ci160QR 適用於多種環境,包括家庭影院和商業空間

KEF Ci160QR Architectural Speakers
The KEF Ci160QR loudspeaker is an ultra-thin bezel model designed for in-ceiling installation. With its stylish and sleek design, the speaker easily integrates into any ceiling, while the patented Uni-Q driver disperses sound over a wider area, allowing for a more optimized soundstage while using fewer speakers. The Ci160QR is the perfect solution for those who want rich audio effects without sacrificing style and space.
The Ci Q Series from KEF includes an Ultra Thin Bezel (UTB) design, which provides the slimmest rim possible around the speaker, allowing for freedom in speaker placement. Additionally, the speakers feature the ‘sit anywhere’ Uni-Q driver array, which positions the tweeter in the acoustic center of the bass/midrange cone. This design results in both the tweeter and woofer acting as a single point source, dispersing the sound evenly throughout the room.
Product Details
- Uni-Q driver technology disperses sound over a wider area
- 6.5-inch low-frequency driver, 0.75-inch high-frequency driver
- Flexible front-row sound adjustment allows for customized sound
- Can be enhanced with the KEF KASA500 power amplifier system
- Can be easily installed in 2 steps
- Provides 8 Ω impedance and 87dB sensitivity
- Ultra-thin bezel design for seamless integration
- Can be used independently or combined with other KEF speakers for a more immersive audio experience
- Durable metal blue diamond slot enhances speaker’s durability
- KEF Ci160QR is suitable for a variety of environments, including home theaters and commercial spaces

Relevant Job Examples
Audio-visual Equipment and Central Control System of the Experience Centre