AtlasIED C-ZSV Atmosphere Volume Controller Wall Plate

  • 可逐級串聯連接
  • 即插即用
  • Decora 型號牆板
  • 高優先級通知
  • 多區域控制
  • PIN碼安全保護
  • 定位功能


  • Daisy Chainable
  • Plug & Play
  • Decora Wall Plates
  • High Priority Notification
  • Multi-Zone Control
  • Pin Code Secure
  • Locate Function


AtlasIED C-ZSV Atmosphere 音量控制面板

Atmosphere C-ZSV控制器是一款為完整控制Atmosphere系統而設計的用戶友好型牆面控制器。使用C-ZSV,用戶可以控制多個區域和分組進行源選擇和音量調整,還可訪問更高級別的功能,如場景回調、信息回調、例行回調、GPO控制和鈴聲排程程序。




  • 彩色LCD屏幕,帶有明暗主題
  • 推鈕編碼器,用於菜單導航、選擇和音量控制
  • 可自定義的RGB LED環,用於靜音、音量和淡入淡出控制
  • 可訪問多個區域以控制輸入源和音量
  • 音調控制低音/高音調整
  • 輸入源控制
  • 軟件可配置的PIN碼訪問鎖
  • 控制組和房間組合
  • 場景回調、信息回調和例行回調
  • 子混音控制
  • 自動創建虛擬牆控制器(VWC)
  • 用戶可選擇的屏幕保護程序,包括QR碼,以實現簡單、無觸摸的虛擬牆控制器訪問
  • 可定位LED功能,方便識別


AtlasIED C-ZSV Atmosphere Volume Controller Wall Plate

The Atmosphere C-ZSV controller is a user-friendly wall controller designed for complete control of an Atmosphere system. With the C-ZSV, users can control multiple zones and groups for source selection and volume adjustments, as well as access more advanced features like scene recall, message recall, routine recall, GPO control, and bell schedules.

Customization of zone control and other capabilities is made easy through a simple opt-in structure within the AZM user interface.

Each Atmosphere accessory is an intelligent, plug-and-play device that is designed to be intuitive and user-friendly. The Atmosphere accessory bus supports up to 8 devices to be connected to a single accessory port, reliably transmitting audio and data over 1000ft per port.

  • Color LCD screen with light/dark themes
  • Push button encoder for menu navigation, selection, and volume control
  • Customizable RGB LED ring for mute, level, and fader control
  • Access multiple zones for control of input source and volume
  • Tone Control Bass/Treble adjustment
  • Input Source Control
  • Software configurable pin code access lock
  • Control of groups and room combine
  • Scene recall, message recall, and routine recall
  • Sub mix control
  • Automatic creation of Virtual Wall Controller (VWC)
  • User selectable screen saver, including QR code for simple, touchless Virtual Wall Controller access
  • Locate LED function for easy identification

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