KEF EGG DUO 無線高保真揚聲器
KEF EGG Duo是一款兼具美學和音質表現的時尚高性能緊湊型揚聲器系統。EGG Duo具備雙聲道設計和內置放大器,可輸出高達100W的功率,提供更寬闊的聲場和更豐富的音效。它支援藍牙和有線連接方式,成為喜愛優質音效和時尚緊湊設計的人士的理想選擇。
完美音色 為您而起
EGG Duo是一款兼具時尚外觀和先進音效技術的數碼音響系統,可滿足您的聆聽喜好。它設計緊湊,音效優異,適用於增強您的音樂、電影、電視節目和遊戲體驗。此外,EGG Duo提供五種迷人的顏色選擇,為您的音響裝置增添個人風格。
您喜歡用什麼方式聆聽音樂?如果您使用行動裝置和藍牙來播放Spotify®、YouTube或TikTok,或者想要增強最新的Netflix發布的音效,或者希望在Nintendo Switch™上有更加身臨其境的遊戲體驗,Egg Duo是您享受卓越音質的完美解決方案。
KEF 的優勢
炫目色彩 由您主宰
EGG Duo的無格柵設計,讓單一的Uni-Q單體可以產生極為清晰的音效。這種設計在大膽而勇敢的陳述中展示了優秀的工程技術,而五種充滿活力的顏色選擇,確保您可以選擇符合自己獨特生活風格的音響。
無論您喜歡什麼,EGG Duo都滿足您的連接需求。無論您是為YouTube和TikTok創作內容並需要更好的音效監聽,透過Spotify®串流您最喜愛的音樂,或是想要和朋友一起輕鬆觀賞Netflix電影或在Nintendo Switch™上進行遊戲,EGG Duo都提供必要的連接功能。

KEF EGG DUO Wireless HiFi Speakers
The KEF EGG Duo is a stylish and high-performance compact speaker system that combines aesthetics and audio excellence. With its dual-channel design and built-in amplifier capable of outputting up to 100W of power, the EGG Duo provides a wider soundstage and richer audio effects. It supports both Bluetooth and wired connections, making it a versatile and convenient solution for anyone who appreciates great sound quality in a sleek and compact package.
The Perfect Sound For You
The EGG Duo is a digital music system that caters to your listening preferences. It boasts advanced audio technology in a compact and stylish design, making it suitable for enhancing your music, movies, TV shows, and gaming experience. Moreover, with a selection of five stunning colors, it serves as an excellent speaker that adds a touch of personal style to your setup.
Wonderfully Versatile
What is your preferred way of listening to music? If you use a mobile device and Bluetooth to stream Spotify®, YouTube, or TikTok, or if you want to enhance the audio quality of the latest Netflix release, or have a more immersive gaming experience with your Nintendo Switch™, the Egg Duo is the perfect solution to enjoy exceptional sound quality.
The KEF Difference
Are you limited on space for a music system? If so, you’ll be pleased to learn that KEF’s extensive expertise in acoustics and innovation has resulted in a compact speaker that delivers exceptional sound quality for your music, movies, and gaming pleasure.
Your Speaker, Your Colour
The grille-free design of the EGG Duo allows the single Uni-Q driver to produce stunningly clear audio. This design also showcases the exceptional engineering in a bold and daring statement, while the five vibrant color options ensure there is a look that reflects your unique lifestyle.
Connect Your World
No matter what you enjoy, the EGG Duo has your connectivity needs covered. Whether you create content for YouTube and TikTok and need better sound monitoring, stream your favorite music through Spotify®, or want to relax with friends while watching movies on Netflix or gaming on your Nintendo Switch™, EGG Duo provides the necessary connectivity.