Extron MediaPort 200
Extron MediaPort 200 是一款HDMI至USB的橋接器,用於將專業音視訊來源或系統與軟體編解碼的會議應用程式無縫整合。它能與電腦配合使用通用的USB影音驅動程式,實現完美相容。MediaPort®具備符合HDCP的HDMI輸入迴路通過功能,可接受高達1920×1200的訊號,並將視訊縮放至USB 2.0輸出。音訊功能包括節目和麥克風輸入、HDMI音訊解嵌入,以及USB雙向音訊,還有AEC參考和線路級輸出。MediaPort 200還搭載了帶有EQ、濾波器、混音、動態處理和淡入淡出功能的DSP。這使得MediaPort 200能夠作為完整的軟體編解碼介面,同時具有與更大型的硬體編解碼器或DSP系統整合的靈活性。MediaPort 200可實現將會議電腦多樣化地整合到專業音視頻設計中。
MediaPort 200橋接器填補了簡單的網鏡頭至電腦解決方案和傳統硬體視訊會議系統之間的差距。對於僅有電腦和顯示器的小型會議空間,MediaPort 200非常理想,可通過添加對專業級設備的支援來增強音訊和視訊質量,例如視訊會議PTZ攝像頭、邊界麥克風和音響增強系統。
在會議室和大型會議場所中,MediaPort 200可以輕鬆將會議電腦與配備有硬體編解碼器、視訊分配和處理、控制系統、DSP、麥克風和全面聲音增強的完整AV系統無縫整合。除了進行會議之外,連接的個人電腦還可以與軟體應用程式一起使用,記錄會議、演示或講座的內容。
MediaPort 200可通過USB即插即用方式與基於Windows®或Mac®的電腦連接,使用行業標準的UVC – USB視訊類別和UAC – USB音訊類別驅動程式。它可以與流行的軟體和基於雲端的通訊平台配合使用,包括Microsoft Teams®、Zoom™、Adobe® Connect™、BlueJeans®、Cisco WebEx®、FaceTime®、Google Meet®、GoToMeeting®、Skype®等等。
憑藉著經過緩衝的HDMI輸入迴路通過功能,MediaPort 200還可以與Polycom®、Cisco和LifeSize®等製造商的硬體編解碼解決方案配合使用,以增強在現有視訊會議環境中的通訊功能。此外,HDMI輸入和迴路通過功能符合HDCP標準,可輕鬆地整合到系統中,將加密內容從源設備傳輸到顯示器。
MediaPort 200接受高達1080p/60和1920×1200的解析度,並提供對高達1080i的交錯訊號進行高性能去交錯處理。為確保HDMI來源以最高可能的影像品質呈現給軟體編解碼器,MediaPort 200採用了視訊處理技術,專為優化影像縮放和幀率轉換而設計,以保留源內容的細節和清晰度。輸出解析度範圍從320×180到1080p/15,並由軟體編解碼器根據即時CPU使用率和近端與遠端位置之間的頻寬條件動態配置。視訊輸出以MJPEG編碼流的形式通過USB 2.0傳輸。
MediaPort 200是一款功能齊全的視訊處理器,具備許多Extron scaler常見的核心整合功能,包括長寬比控制、內部測試圖案、Auto-Image™和Auto Input Memory。它還可以在HDMI輸入沒有信號時顯示用戶提供的標誌圖像。
MediaPort 200可以接受麥克風輸入和類比音訊的視訊程式來源以及HDMI內嵌的兩聲道音頻。USB連線提供與個人電腦相似的4×2聲道音頻介面,就像標準USB聲卡,具有傳送和返回音頻能力。這樣就允許MediaPort 200將麥克風、類比視訊程式、HDMI音頻及USB播放音頻的兩聲道混音傳送至電腦。該介面還允許MediaPort 200接收來自電腦的四聲道音訊,包括視訊程式音頻以及來自軟體編碼器遠端的兩聲道通訊音頻,完全無需任何類比音頻連線到個人電腦。
MediaPort 200中的音頻DSP設計具有超出硬體解碼器音頻系統的音頻能力。提供必要的數位音頻處理工具,包括增益、混音、參數等調EQ、濾波、動態和消音。DSP可以用於優化麥克風及視訊程式來源信號,以及將發往個人電腦、音響強化系統或外置DSP的輸出信號。MediaPort 200還以專用AEC參考輸出的方式提供遠程音訊至配備AEC的DSP,比如DMP 128 Plus C。利用AEC參考信號,DMP 128 Plus C可以為多個麥克風提供分散式AEC處理,以確保遠程會議參與者始終從近端AV系統接收清晰無回音音訊。
MediaPort 200設有前面版控制及帶LCD菜單顯示的設置快速訪問系統設定。支援以千兆以太網、USB和RS-232遠端設定和控制。MediaPort 200可以使用Extron的PCS產品配置軟體進行設定,該軟體具有易於使用和易於導航的GUI介面。該軟體應用可加速設置和佈署、實時操作和監控、韌體升級,以及對DSP及其音頻處理工具的全面配置。
除了設定和控制能力外,MediaPort 200亦包括前面板LED指示燈,可提供豐富視覺回饋,內容包括HDMI輸入和通過訊號存在情況、HDCP狀態及USB訊號狀態(主機、視訊和雙向音訊)。
MediaPort 200 包含了兩個數位輸入和兩個數位輸出端口,實現透過聯繫閉合來觸發麥克風啟動和關閉,以及麥克風狀態燈的亮眼。
MediaPort 200採用緊湊的1U半機架寬度外殼,可安裝在幾乎任何地方,包括不引人注目的放置在會議桌下、儲物櫃內或講台上。Extron UTS系列和MBU 125安裝硬體可單獨購買,以方便進行桌下安裝。被動對流散熱確保無噪音運行。
- 無縫整合專業AV來源或系統到軟體編碼器應用程序 – 將音訊和影像信號從演講來源或切換器傳送到電腦,以整合軟體和雲端通訊平台。
- 輸入:一個帶緩衝迴路訊號的HDMI、一對螺絲固定的平衡/非平衡立體聲音頻輸入、一個螺絲固定的麥克風或線路平衡/非平衡音頻輸入、一個USB 2.0 作為四聲道音頻輸入 — 立體聲回放和雙聲道通訊。
- 輸出:一個USB 2.0 串流視頻和雙聲道音頻輸出、 一對螺絲固定的平衡/非平衡立體聲音頻輸出、平衡/非平衡單聲道 AEC 參考輸出和輔助音頻單聲道輸出(均用螺絲固定)。
- USB 2.0 設備連接使用通用USB驅動程式達到普遍相容性 — MediaPort 200內建行業標準的UVC – USB視訊類別 和UAC – USB音訊類別驅動程式,提供與Windows、Mac OS、Linux及其他作業系統的普遍相容性。
- 視訊縮放提供USB輸出從320×180至1080p/15,滿足常見軟體編碼器要求 —可以保證相機或者電腦視訊內容通過網路會議完美顯示給遠端參與者。
- 縮放優化為符合UC軟體編碼器要求通過自定義解析度群組 — 使用者自定義解析度可以定義為高、中、低品質群組,以強制軟體編碼器使用當前網路和編碼器處理器狀態下最佳縮放的USB串流解析度。
- 帶MJPEG編碼的縮放後USB串流視訊輸出
- 內建音頻DSP — 提供音頻混音和處理訊號的能力,包括4×2音頻的混音和路由。DSP被優化連接麥克風和項目音頻來源以及軟體編碼器、硬體編碼器、外部DSP和音響强化。
- AEC參考輸出 — 該輸出向外接具有AEC功能的DSP提供遠端音頻。外部DSP使用該音訊作為AEC – 響水取消處理的參考訊號,以確保遠端參與者的無回音會議。
- 符合HDCP規範的HDMI輸入和迴路 — 提供給本地顯示屏、AV系統或硬體編碼器的輸出訊號,可以監控或分享內容而不需要單獨的分佈放大器。HDMI輸入和迴路均符合HDCP規範。
- HDMI音訊解嵌 — 內嵌HDMI的兩聲道PCM音訊可以被提取到整合的DSP中進行處理和混音。
- USB 4×2音訊介面 — USB連線提供與電腦類似的4×2聲道音訊介面,就像標準USB音效卡,具備傳送與回彈音訊能力。 這允許MediaPort 200將雙聲道音訊源混音傳送給個人電腦,且電腦可以傳送其節目音訊加上來自軟體編碼器遠端的雙聲道通訊音訊至MediaPort 200。
- MediaPort 200支援許多流行的軟體通訊平台,包括Microsoft Teams、Zoom、Adobe Connect、BlueJeans、Cisco WebEx、FaceTime、Google Meet、GoToMeeting、Lifesize Clearsea,和Skype。
- MediaPort 200與許多流行的統一通訊(UC)room系統相容,包括Barco ClickShare、Cisco WebEx、Microsoft Teams和Zoom room系統。
- MediaPort 200與使用Citrix XenApp和VMWare Horizon等薄/零客戶端系統的虛擬計算環境相容 – 包括對帶寬低的客戶端系統提供USB支援。
- MediaPort 200接收的HDMI電腦和視訊解析度高達1080p/60和1920×1200。
- 高效率1080i訊號解交錯 — 提供480i/576i/1080i訊號高精密的解交錯。這確保在重建的進階視訊影格中絕對的詳細和信念,包括來自影片內容的交錯訊號的3:2和2:2模式。
- 帶48伏幽浮供電的麥克風/線路輸入 — 麥克風或線路級音訊來源可以混合在一起。可選用的48伏幽浮供電允許使用電容麥克風。
- 前面版LED指示燈顯示HDMI和USB訊號狀態 — 為HDMI輸入和通過訊號存在、HDCP狀態以及USB訊號存在主機電腦、視訊傳輸、音訊傳輸和音訊回傳提供視覺回饋。
- 圖示圖片顯示 — MediaPort 200可設定自動顯示用戶提供的圖像文件在HDMI輸出無訊號時,或者在使用受HDCP保護的內容且無法顯示視訊時顯示在USB輸出上。
- 畫面比例控制 — 視訊輸出的畫面比例可以通過選擇廣屏模式提供完整屏幕輸出,或跟隨模式保留輸入訊號的原始畫面比例來控制。
- 自動輸入記憶 – 啟用後,該裝置將根據輸入訊號自動儲存解析度、位置和影像設定。當再次檢測到相同的訊號時,這些影像設定將自動從記憶體中調用。
- 內建視訊試驗圖案和粉紅雜訊產生器用於校準和設定 — MediaPort 200提供多種視訊試驗圖案,有助於正確設定和校準系統,並且當輸入視頻源不可用時可以提供有效輸出。粉紅雜訊產生器可用於所有音頻輸出,包括USB音訊到電腦,有助於優化音頻輸出信號。
- 亮度、對比度、水平和垂直位置以及大小控制。
- 可由用戶選擇的HDCP授權 — 允許該裝置向連接的來源顯示符合HDCP規範或不符合HDCP規範,如果來源連接到符合HDCP規範的設備時會自動加密所有內容,這很有利。非HDCP模式下不傳輸受保護的材料。
- HDCP可視化確認 —當加密的HDCP內容傳輸給不符合HDCP規範的顯示器或USB輸出時,會向顯示器傳送整屏綠色訊號,即時視覺確認該顯示器無法顯示受保護內容。如果需要,可選用的標識可以傳送到USB輸出,以代替綠色訊號。
- EDID管理自動管理連接裝置之間的EDID通訊 — EDID管理確保來源正常啟動並可靠輸出內容顯示。
- 自動影像設定 – 啟用時,該裝置通過分析和調整視訊輸入訊號自動最佳化影像。這可以為新連接的來源儲存設定時間與精力,特別是在不同的來賓演講者筆記型電腦與不同的輸出解析度將會連接的演講環境。
- 用戶影像預設 — 提供16個記憶預設以儲存和調用最佳影像設定。
- 所有輸入的參數EQ、濾波器和壓縮 — 平衡和濾波器可用於微調麥克風和項目來源的聲學特性。壓縮有助於彌補信號水平差異很大或不可預測的信號來源。
- USB和線路輸出的參數EQ、濾波器和限制器 — MediaPort 200提供九帶平衡以調整房間。它還通過比較輸入和輸出波形檢測剪輯的實際起始。增益自動降低而無可聽缺陷以保護音頻系統免受剪輯失真。
- 麥克風和USB音訊消音 — 在檢測到麥克風或遠端USB音訊訊號時自動降低項目音訊音量,消除了需要單獨音頻消音處理器的需求。
- 24位/48 kHz類比數字和數字類比音頻轉換器 — 高效率的轉換器保持輸入和輸出訊號轉換時音訊訊號完整性。
- 固定低延遲DSP音頻處理 — 输入到輸出延遲在MediaPort 200內固定,不管活躍信道數或進程數多少,維持音頻和視訊同步。
- 可由用户定義的DSP音頻預設值可快速調用常用配置 — 最多可以使用Extron PCS軟件應用程式創建16個用戶預設。一旦創建,預設值可以從PCS軟件或控制系統中輕鬆調用。
- 靜音和增益音頻組主 — MediaPort 200提供預配置的組主完成靜音和增益綜合,簡化實時系統控制。
- 軟限制提供最佳主音量調整範圍 — 在使用外部音量控制時,主音量範圍可使用軟限制進行調整以維持最佳的最低和最大水平。這可防止使用數位I/O、RS-232或以太網控制的操作員超出預定義限制。
- 直播DSP配置 — 允許在預覽或實時測量參數時進行參數調整。這可避免編譯和上傳配置文件到設備的需要。
- 帶LCD顯示的面板控制 — 允許方便訪問MediaPort 200的設定和狀態。
- 面板USB配置埠 — 使配置變得容易無需訪問後板。
- 兩個數位輸入和兩個數位輸出控制埠 — 允許外部觸發,如麥克風啟動和靜音,以及照亮麥克風狀態指示燈。數位輸入還可用於通過接觸閉合來調用DSP預設值和調整音量。
- +12 VDC,100 mA 遠程供電 — 提供遠程供電用於各種應用,例如麥克風狀態和靜音的LED照明。
- 前面板安全鎖定 — 封鎖所有前面板功能;但是,所有功能仍可通過以太網、USB和RS-232控制進行操作。
- 以太網監控和控制 — 可以在區域網絡(LAN)、廣域網絡(WAN)或互聯網上進行控制和主動監測。
- RS-232 控制埠 — 可以使用串行命令將其整合到控制系統中。Extron 產品使用 SIS™ – Simple Instruction Set 命令協議,這是一組基本的 ASCII 命令,可以實現快速簡便的編程。
- 內建網頁 — 通過直觀的網頁界面,可以使用標準瀏覽器進行監測或更新。
- 使用Extron的PCS – 產品配置軟體,輕鬆設定和調試 — 方便地使用單一軟體應用程式配置多個產品。該軟體還允許下載配置文件以進行存檔或配置多個系統。
- 緊湊的1U半機架寬度金屬外殼 — 半機架寬度的外殼設計用於靈活安裝,可使用各種Extron家具和機架安裝套件進行安裝(需單獨購買)。被動對流散熱確保無噪音運作。
- 包括 LockIt® HDMI 連接線束固定支架。
- 內置的Extron Everlast™ 電源供應器 — 提供全球範圍的電源相容性,具有高度可靠性和低功耗,降低運營成本。
- Extron Everlast電源供應器享有7年零件和人工保修期。

Extron MediaPort 200
The Extron MediaPort 200 is a device that serves as a bridge between HDMI and USB, allowing seamless integration of professional audiovisual sources or systems with software codec conferencing applications. It is designed to work effortlessly with computers, utilizing standard USB video and audio drivers. With its HDMI input supporting HDCP-compliant loop through and the ability to accept signals up to 1920×1200 resolution, the MediaPort® scales video to a USB 2.0 output. In terms of audio capabilities, it offers program and microphone inputs, HDMI audio de-embedding, bidirectional USB audio, as well as AEC reference and line level outputs. Additionally, the MediaPort 200 incorporates DSP functionalities such as EQ, filters, mixing, dynamics, and ducking. This comprehensive feature set allows the MediaPort 200 to function as a complete interface for software codecs, with the added flexibility of integration into larger hardware codec or DSP systems. Ultimately, the MediaPort 200 enables versatile integration of conferencing computers into professional audiovisual designs while upholding the highest standards of performance and compatibility.
The MediaPort 200 serves as a solution that fills the void between basic Webcam-to-computer setups and conventional hardware videoconferencing systems. It is particularly well-suited for small meeting spaces that consist of only a computer and display, offering an ideal way to elevate the quality of audio and video. By incorporating support for professional-grade equipment like videoconferencing PTZ cameras, boundary microphones, and sound reinforcement systems, the MediaPort 200 enhances the overall audiovisual experience in such environments.
Within boardrooms and expansive conference rooms, the MediaPort 200 seamlessly integrates a conferencing computer into a comprehensive AV system that comprises a hardware codec, video distribution and processing, control, DSP, microphones, and complete sound reinforcement. This integration allows for not only conferencing capabilities but also enables the connected personal computer to be utilized with a software application for recording meeting sessions, presentations, or lectures. By facilitating this integration, the MediaPort 200 enhances the functionality and versatility of the AV setup, catering to diverse needs within professional settings.
Streamlined Installation
The MediaPort 200 establishes a connection to Windows® or Mac®-based computers effortlessly through USB plug-and-play functionality, utilizing widely adopted industry standards such as UVC (USB Video Class) and UAC (USB Audio Class) drivers. This compatibility allows for seamless integration with popular software and cloud-based communication platforms, including but not limited to Microsoft Teams®, Zoom™, Adobe® Connect™, BlueJeans®, Cisco WebEx®, FaceTime®, Google Meet®, GoToMeeting®, Skype®, and many others. By supporting these diverse platforms, the MediaPort 200 ensures compatibility and ease of use across a wide range of software applications and online communication services.
The MediaPort 200 offers a buffered HDMI input loop-through feature, allowing it to seamlessly integrate with hardware codec solutions provided by renowned manufacturers like Polycom®, Cisco, and LifeSize®. This integration enhances communication capabilities within existing video conferencing environments. Furthermore, both the HDMI input and loop-through of the MediaPort 200 are HDCP-compliant, enabling effortless integration into systems that require the secure transmission of encrypted content from a source device to a display. This compliance ensures compatibility and smooth operation when handling protected content within a professional AV setup.
Optimal Video Processing for Soft Codecs
The MediaPort 200 is designed to accept a wide range of resolutions, supporting up to 1080p/60 and 1920×1200. It excels at effectively deinterlacing interlaced signals up to 1080i, ensuring optimal visual quality. The device incorporates advanced video processing technology that is specifically engineered to deliver optimized image scaling and frame rate conversion, preserving the detail and legibility of the source content. This technology guarantees that the HDMI source is presented with the highest possible image quality when used with a soft codec. The MediaPort 200 dynamically configures the output resolutions, which can range from 320×180 to 1080p/15. The configuration is determined by the software codec in response to real-time CPU usage and bandwidth conditions between the near-end and far-end locations. The video output is transmitted as an MJPEG-encoded stream over a USB 2.0 connection, ensuring efficient and reliable delivery of the visual content.
The MediaPort 200 is equipped with a comprehensive set of video processing capabilities, making it a versatile video processor. It incorporates several core integration features commonly found in Extron scalers, such as aspect ratio control, internal test patterns, Auto-Image™, and Auto Input Memory. These features provide users with enhanced control and flexibility over the video output. Additionally, the MediaPort 200 offers the option to display a user-supplied logo image when no signal is present at the HDMI input, allowing for customization and branding opportunities even in signal-absent scenarios.
Versatile Audio Integration with DSP
The MediaPort 200 offers versatile audio connectivity options. It accepts analog audio inputs from microphone sources and program sources, as well as de-embedded HDMI two-channel audio. The USB connection serves as a 4×2 channel audio interface with a personal computer, functioning similarly to a standard USB sound card with both send and return audio capabilities. This enables the MediaPort 200 to transmit a two-channel mix of microphone audio, analog program audio, HDMI audio, and USB playback audio to the computer. Simultaneously, the interface allows the MediaPort 200 to receive four audio channels from the computer, including program audio and two-channel communication audio from the soft codec’s far-end. This eliminates the need for any analog audio connections to the personal computer, streamlining the audio integration process and ensuring efficient communication between the MediaPort 200 and the computer.
The MediaPort 200 incorporates an advanced audio DSP that offers a range of audio processing capabilities surpassing those typically found in hardware codec-based audio systems. It includes essential digital audio processing tools such as gain control, mixing, parametric EQ, filtering, dynamics, and ducking. These tools can be utilized to optimize the signals from microphones, program sources, and outgoing signals destined for the personal computer, sound reinforcement systems, or external DSPs.
Moreover, the MediaPort 200 provides a dedicated AEC (Acoustic Echo Cancellation) reference output, specifically designed to work in conjunction with an AEC-equipped DSP like the DMP 128 Plus C. By utilizing the AEC reference signal, the DMP 128 Plus C can perform distributed AEC processing for multiple microphones. This ensures that far-end conferencing participants receive clear, echo-free audio from the near-end AV system, enhancing the overall audio quality and intelligibility of the communication.
Multiple Options for Control and Operation
The MediaPort 200 is equipped with front panel controls that include an LCD menu display, providing convenient access to system settings. For remote configuration and control, the device offers connectivity options such as Ethernet, USB, and RS-232. This enables users to configure and control the MediaPort 200 from a remote location using compatible control systems or software.
To streamline the setup and commissioning process, Extron provides the PCS (Product Configuration Software), which features a user-friendly graphical user interface (GUI). The PCS software simplifies the configuration of the MediaPort 200, allowing users to navigate through the settings easily. It facilitates tasks such as real-time operation and monitoring, firmware updates, and comprehensive configuration of the DSP and its audio processing tools. The PCS software enhances the overall user experience by providing a robust and intuitive platform for configuring and managing the MediaPort 200.
Beyond its configuration and operational abilities, the MediaPort 200 has front panel light-emitting diodes that offer thorough visible feedback for high-definition multimedia interface incoming and pass-through signal availability, high-bandwidth digital content protection condition, and universal serial bus signal condition for host, visual, and two-way audio.
The MediaPort 200 features two digital incoming and two digital outgoing interfaces which make it possible to initiate activating and muting microphones via physical contact, as well as illuminate light-emitting diodes that show the condition of the microphones.
Convenient Under-Table and Surface Mounting
The MediaPort 200 is contained in a compact 1U, half rack width enclosure that can be installed practically anywhere, including inconspicuous placement underneath a conference table, inside a cabinet, or in a lectern. Extron UTS Series and MBU 125 mounting hardware are obtainable separately to facilitate underneath-table mounting. Passive airflow cooling guarantees noiseless operation.
Product Details
- Seamlessly integrates pro AV sources or systems into software codec applications – Sends audio and video signals from a presentation source or switcher to a computer, allowing for integration with software and cloud-based communication platforms.
- Inputs: One high-definition multimedia interface with strengthened loop-through, one stereo balanced/unbalanced audio input on captive screw terminal, one microphone or line balanced/unbalanced audio input on captive screw terminal, one Universal Serial Bus 2.0 for four-channel audio input – stereo playback and stereo communications
- Outputs: One Universal Serial Bus 2.0 for streaming visual and two-channel audio output, one stereo balanced/unbalanced audio output on captive screw terminal, balanced/unbalanced mono acoustic echo cancellation reference and auxiliary audio mono outputs on captive screw terminal
- The Universal Serial Bus 2.0 device connection utilizes generic USB drivers for universal compatibility – The MediaPort 200 incorporates standard UVC – Universal Serial Bus Video Class and UAC – Universal Serial Bus Audio Class drivers, providing compatibility with Windows®, Mac OS®, Linux, and other operating systems.
- Video scaling provides USB output from 320×180 to 1080p/15 to match common software codec requirements – Ensures optimal quality of camera or computer video content for remote conferencing participants.
- Scaling optimized to UC software codec requirements via custom resolution groups – User-modifiable resolutions can be characterized in sets like high, medium, and low quality to compel the software codec to employ the best scaled Universal Serial Bus streaming computer resolution for current network and codec processor situations.
- Scaled Universal Serial Bus streaming visual output with MJPEG encoding
- Integrated audio DSP – Provides audio blending and signal handling capabilities, including mixing and routing for 4×2 audio. The digital signal processor is optimized for integration with microphones and program audio sources as well as software codecs, hardware codecs, external digital signal processors, and sound reinforcement systems.
- AEC reference output – This output provides remote-end audio to an external AEC-equipped digital signal processor. This audio is utilized by the external digital signal processor as a reference signal for AEC – acoustic echo cancellation processing, to guarantee echo-free conferencing for remote-end participants.
- HDCP-compliant HDMI input and loop-through – Provides an output signal for a local screen, an AV system, or a hardware codec, enabling the content to be monitored or shared without the need for a separate circulation amplifier. Both the high-definition multimedia interface incoming and pass-through are high-bandwidth digital content protection compatible.
- HDMI audio de‑embedding – The embedded high-definition multimedia interface two‐channel pulse-code modulation audio can be extracted to the integrated digital signal processor for handling and blending.
- USB 4×2 audio interface – The Universal Serial Bus relationship provides a 4×2 channel audio interface with a computer, similar to a standard Universal Serial Bus sound card with send and return audio capability. This allows the MediaPort 200 to send a two-channel audio source blend to the personal computer, and the computer to deliver its program audio plus two-channel communication audio from the soft codec’s remote-end to the MediaPort 200.
- Supports popular software communications platforms including Microsoft Teams®, Zoom™, Adobe® Connect™, BlueJeans®, Cisco WebEx®, FaceTime®, Google Meet®, GoToMeeting®, Lifesize® Clearsea, and Skype®
- Compatible with popular unified communications (UC) room systems including Barco® ClickShare®, Cisco WebEx®, Microsoft Teams®, and Zoom™ room systems
- Compatible with virtual computing environments using thin/zero client systems such as Citrix XenApp® and VMWare Horizon® – Includes Universal Serial Bus backing for systems running low bandwidth clients.
- Accepts HDMI computer and video resolutions up to 1080p/60 and 1920×1200
- High performance deinterlacing for signals up to 1080i – Features highly accurate deinterlacing for 480i/576i/1080i signals. This ensures total detail and fidelity in the reconstructed progressive video frames, including 3:2 and 2:2 pull-down for interlaced signals originating from film content.
- Mic/line input with 48 volt phantom power – A microphone or line level audio source can be blended with program audio. Selectable 48 volt phantom power allows the use of condenser microphones.
- Front panel LED indicators for HDMI and USB signal status – Provide visible feedback for high-definition multimedia interface incoming and pass-through signal presence, high-bandwidth digital content protection condition, plus Universal Serial Bus signal existence for the host computer, video send, audio send, and audio return.
- Logo image display – The MediaPort 200 can be set to automatically show a user-provided visual file on the high-definition multimedia interface output whenever no signal is present or on the Universal Serial Bus output if high-bandwidth digital content protection-protected content is being used and no visual can be displayed.
- Aspect ratio control – The aspect ratio of the video output can be controlled by choosing a FILL mode, which provides a full screen output, or a FOLLOW mode, which retains the original proportion of the input signal.
- Auto Input Memory – When activated, the unit automatically stores size, situation, and picture settings based on the incoming signal. When the identical signal is detected again, these visual settings are automatically recalled from memory.
- Internal video test patterns and pink noise generator for calibration and setup – The MediaPort 200 offers several video test patterns to facilitate proper system setup and calibration, and can provide an active output when an input visual source is not available. The pink noise generator is selectable for all audio outputs, including Universal Serial Bus audio to the computer, and aids in optimizing audio output signals.
- Pictures controls for brightness, contrast, horizontal and vertical positioning, and sizing
- User-selectable HDCP authorization – Allows the unit to seem high-bandwidth digital content protection compatible or non-high-bandwidth digital content protection compatible to the connected source, which is beneficial if the source automatically encrypts all content when connected to a high-bandwidth digital content protection-compliant device. Protected material is not passed in non-high-bandwidth digital content protection mode.
- HDCP Visual Confirmation – When high-bandwidth digital content protection-encrypted content is transmitted to a non-high-bandwidth digital content protection compliant screen, or to the Universal Serial Bus output, a full screen green signal is sent to the display for immediate visible confirmation that protected content cannot be viewed on that display. An optional emblem can be sent to the Universal Serial Bus output in place of the green signal if desired.
- EDID Minder® automatically manages EDID communication between connected devices – EDID Minder ensures that the source powers up properly and reliably outputs content for visual display.
- Auto-Image™ setup – When activated, the unit automatically optimizes the image by analyzing and adjusting to the video input signal. This can save time and work in setting up a newly connected source, particularly in presentation environments where different guest presenter laptops with various output resolutions will be connected.
- User image presets – 16 recollections are available to store and recall customized image settings.
- Parametric EQ, filters, and compression on all inputs – Equalization and filters are accessible to fine-tune acoustic characteristics of microphones and program sources. Compression helps to compensate for source signals with broadly varying or unpredictable signal levels.
- Parametric EQ, filters, and limiter on USB and line outputs – The MediaPort 200 provides nine-band equalization for room tuning. It also detects real emergence of clipping by comparing incoming and outgoing waveforms. Gain is automatically decreased without audible artifacts to shield the audio system from clipping distortion.
- Microphone and USB audio ducking – Automatically lowers program audio volume when a microphone or remote-end Universal Serial Bus audio signal is detected, removing the need for a separate audio ducking processor.
- 24-bit/48 kHz analog-to-digital and digital-to-analog audio converters – The converters perform exceptionally well, preserving audio signal authenticity for input and output signal alteration.
- Fixed, low latency DSP audio processing – The delay from input to output is set within the MediaPort 200, irrespective of the number of active channels or processes, maintaining audio and visual synchronization.
- User-definable DSP audio presets allow quick recall of commonly used configurations – Up to 16 user-defined settings can be made utilizing the Extron PCS software program. Once made, settings can simply be recalled from the PCS software or a management system.
- Mute and gain audio group masters – The MediaPort 200 provides pre-configured group leaders for consolidated mute and gain, simplifying real-time system administration.
- Soft limits provide optimal master volume adjustment range – When utilizing external volume regulation, the master volume scope can be governed with gentle restrictions to maintain optimal lowest and highest levels. This prevents operators working with digital I/O, RS‐232, or Ethernet administration from surpassing pre-defined boundaries.
- Live DSP configuration – Allows live parameter amendments while previewing or measuring them in real time. This avoids the need to compile and upload a configuration file to the device.
- Front panel controls with LCD display – Allows convenient admittance to configuration and condition of the MediaPort 200.
- Front panel USB configuration port – Enables simple configuration without having to gain entrance to the rear panel.
- Two digital input and two digital output control ports – Allow external initiating such as microphone activation and muting, as well as illuminating microphone condition light-emitting diodes. Digital inputs can also be used for recalling digital signal processor presets and adjusting volume via physical contact closure.
- +12 VDC, 100 mA remote power – Provides remote power for various applications, such as light-emitting diode lighting for microphone condition and mute.
- Front panel security lockout – Locks out all front panel capabilities; all functions however, are accessible through Ethernet, Universal Serial Bus, and RS‐232 administration.
- Ethernet monitoring and control – Enables supervision and proactive tracking over a local area network, wide area network, or the Internet.
- RS‑232 control port – Enables the use of serial instructions for incorporation into a control system. Extron products use the SIS TM – Simple Instruction Set command protocol, a set of basic ASCII codes that allow for quick and simple programming.
- Built‑in webpages – Enables the use of a standard web browser for monitoring or updates over an intuitive Web graphical user interface.
- Easy setup and commissioning with Extron’s PCS – Product Configuration Software – Conveniently configure multiple products utilizing a single software program. The software also allows configuration files to be downloaded for archiving or configuring multiple systems.
- Compact 1U, half rack width metal enclosure – The half rack width enclosure is intended for flexible installing utilizing a wide assortment of Extron furniture and rack installing kits, accessible individually. Passive air flow cooling ensures noiseless operation.
- Includes LockIt® HDMI cable lacing bracket.
- Internal Extron Everlast™ power supply – Provides worldwide power compatibility, with high demonstrated dependability and low power consumption for reduced operating expense.
- Extron Everlast Power Supply is covered by a 7‑year parts and labor warranty.
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