DM‑NVX‑384 是一款緊湊型的 DM NVX® AV-over-IP 編碼器/解碼器,設計可以作為發射器或接收器使用。它能夠處理各種規模的網絡 AV 安裝,並包含以下功能:安全的基於網頁的控制和管理、可縮放的 HDMI 輸出、視頻牆處理、模擬音頻輸入或輸出、原生 AES67 發送和接收功能、環繞聲音頻、支持銅線和光纖以太網連接,以及 USB 2.0 和 KVM 集成。
HDMI® 和 USB-C® 4×1 輸入切換
DM‑NVX‑384 包含兩個 HDMI 輸入和兩個 USB-C 輸入,組成一個 4×1 輸入切換器。當作為解碼器安裝在典型會議室顯示設備後面時,HDMI 輸入提供了一種方便的方式來連接 Crestron AirMedia® 演示網關、視頻會議編解碼器或小型電腦。USB-C 輸入允許沒有 HDMI 端口的筆記型電腦通過 DisplayPort™ Alt Mode 進行視頻連接。USB-C 輸入還能實現 USB 2.0 數據的雙向傳輸,將數據從連接的主機 PC 和其他 DM NVX 或 DM NUX 終端設備傳送回去。
實時 4K60 視頻分發
為了滿足高要求的會議室和教室應用,DM NVX 技術確保實時、全動態 4K60 視頻表現,用於多媒體展示、視頻會議和實時攝像頭影像的呈現。像遊戲和使用鼠標等互動功能流暢自然。
DM NVX 系統還提供穩定性和可靠性。行同步輸出確保多顯示屏內容的完美同步,適用於數字標牌和視頻牆等應用。可變的多播 TTL(生存時間)使得多個網絡路由器的穿越變得更加靈活。
支持 5K 解析度
DM‑NVX‑384 支持 5K 視頻解析度,包括 5K 寬屏(5120×2880)、5K 超寬屏(5120×2160)和 5K 超寬(5120×1440),擴展了 DM NVX 產品系列對最新一代電腦、顯示器和顯示設備的兼容性。
DM NVX 系統集成了像素完美處理技術,提供無瑕的視頻傳輸,適用於所有應用場景。根據操作模式,DM‑NVX‑384 可以編碼或解碼視頻信號,實現端到端延遲不超過一幀,幾乎無法察覺。無論在 1 千兆位網絡中,源圖像的質量均能保持穩定,解析度可達 5K 寬屏 4:4:4。
DM NVX 系統使用先進的安全功能和協議,如 802.1X 認證、Active Directory® 資格證書管理、AES-128 內容加密、PKI 認證、TLS、SSH 和 HTTPS,提供真正的企業級網絡 AV 解決方案,專為滿足高要求的 IT 政策而設計。
DM‑NVX‑384 可以配置為網絡 AV 編碼器或解碼器:
- 作為編碼器,DM‑NVX‑384 可將筆記型電腦、相機或其他媒體來源的 HDMI 或 USB‑C 信號通過網絡傳輸到一個或多個解碼器。
- 作為解碼器,DM‑NVX‑384 接收來自 DM NVX 編碼器的信號,並通過 HDMI 輸出將其傳送到顯示設備。解碼器可以快速輕鬆地在網絡中的多個編碼器之間切換,並與本地連接的 HDMI 或 USB-C 源一起使用。
DM‑NVX‑384 提供了一個多功能且具成本效益的解決方案,適用於需要在單一設備中實現編碼器和解碼器操作模式的應用。操作模式可以通過控制系統或網頁瀏覽器動態重新配置,並在不到 1 分鐘內完成,或者可以通過使用 SETUP 按鈕進行更改。
4K60 4:4:4 可縮放 HDMI 輸出
當 DM‑NVX‑384 配置為解碼器時,HDMI 輸出將解碼後的信號傳送到本地顯示設備、切換器或其他設備的 HDMI 輸入。內建的縮放器確保最佳圖像,將編碼的源解析度上下縮放,以匹配顯示設備的原生解析度。當 DM‑NVX‑384 配置為編碼器時,HDMI 輸出可用於本地顯示器、信心監視器或音頻系統的連接。
由最多 64 個獨立顯示器組成的視頻牆可以通過多個 DM NVX 終端設備進行配置。每個終端設備都提供完全可調的縮放功能和邊框補償,以適應各種視頻牆配置和顯示類型。每個顯示器需要一個 DM NVX 終端設備,支持最多 8×8 的配置(即 8 個顯示器寬,8 個顯示器高)。
7.1 環繞聲音頻
DM NVX 技術支持無損傳輸 7.1 環繞聲音頻信號,包括 Dolby® TrueHD、Dolby Atmos®、DTS HD®、DTS:X® 和未壓縮的線性 PCM。在解碼器模式下,DM‑NVX‑384 可以接收來自 DM-NVX-363, DM-NVX-363C, DM‑NVX‑351, 或 DM‑NVX‑351C 編碼器的多聲道和 2 聲道降混信號,允許在 HDMI 輸出處選擇任一信號,而 2 聲道信號將自動路由到模擬輸出。
AES67 和 DM NAX® 音頻嵌入與解嵌
通過原生支持 Crestron DM NAX® 音頻過 IP 技術,DM NVX 支持 AES67,允許選定的音頻源作為 2 聲道 AES67 源進行傳輸,同時從 Crestron DM NAX 設備或其他支持 AES67 的設備接收另一個 AES67 2 聲道音頻流,並與視頻信號結合。
在 DM NVX 編碼器模式下,接收的 AES67 音頻流可以通過本地 HDMI 輸出、主 AV 流、次要音頻流和模擬音頻輸出進行輸出。在 DM NVX 解碼器模式下,接收到的 AES67 音頻流可以與視頻結合,然後通過 HDMI 輸出和模擬音頻輸出進行輸出。
該設備包含一個非平衡立體聲模擬音頻端口,可配置為輸入或輸出。作為輸入時,該端口允許將立體聲音頻源連接並與來自 HDMI 輸入或進來的網絡視頻流中的視頻信號結合。作為輸出時,該端口可以提供立體聲線性音頻信號,為本地音響系統或音響條提供信號。輸出音量可以通過控制系統或網頁瀏覽器進行調節。
DM NVX 解碼器可以選擇並組合來自兩個不同輸入甚至兩個不同編碼器的視頻和音頻信號。從兩個獨立編碼器組合信號時,僅限於 2 聲道立體聲音頻。
DM‑NVX‑384 配備兩個 RJ-45 1000BASE-T 端口(以太網端口 1 和 2)和一個 SFP 端口(以太網端口 3)。任何一個以太網端口都可以用來通過千兆以太網網絡傳輸視頻。如果不用于傳輸網絡視頻,端口 1 和 2 可以為 AirMedia 網關、顯示設備或其他本地設備提供網絡連接。這些端口還可以用來串聯多個終端設備,供應單源視頻牆或顯示相同視頻圖像的個別顯示器。端口 1 還可以從支持 POE++ 的以太網交換機或第三方符合 IEEE 802.3at 標準的 PSE(供電設備)接收電源。
SFP 端口支持通過使用適當的 Crestron SFP-1G 系列 光纖收發模塊(另售)連接光纖網絡。提供多種模塊以適應不同的多模和單模光纖類型。
DM NVX 系統可以部署在現有的企業或校園網絡上,或部署在專用網絡上。如需了解網絡要求和指南,請參閱 DM NVX AV-over-IP 系統設計指南。
USB 2.0 和 KVM 集成
DM NVX 技術支持 USB 信號的擴展,這些信號可以與 AV 信號一起進行切換和路由,也可以通過控制系統單獨進行切換。DM‑NVX‑384 提供了 USB 2.0 TO HOST 和 TO DEVICE 端口,允許 USB 鼠標、鍵盤或其他外圍設備連接到遠端終端並路由到本地終端的計算機或其他主機。除了 KVM 切換功能外,還支持各種類型的 USB 外圍設備,包括白板、觸摸屏、遊戲控制器、攝像頭、移動設備、耳機和閃存驅動器。
USB 2.0 數據傳輸可以配置為第二層(Layer 2)或第三層(Layer 3)。第二層支持點對點和多點應用中的 USB 信號擴展。USB 信號可以從最多七個遠程 DM NVX 終端的 TO DEVICE 端口路由到單個本地 DM NVX 終端的 TO HOST 端口。第二層還支持 Crestron USB-over-Ethernet 設備(DM‑NUX‑L2 或 DM‑NUX‑R2,另售),可用於不包括 DM NVX 終端的地點。USB 信號可以在 DM NVX 和 DM NUX 設備之間進行路由,並由控制系統進行管理。
USB 2.0 第三層數據傳輸支持 DM NVX 點對點應用中跨 VLAN 的 USB 信號擴展。
DM‑NVX‑384 配備內建的 COM(RS-232)和 IR 端口,通過控制系統控制連接的顯示器、攝像頭或其他設備。HDMI 連接上的 CEC(消費電子控制)提供額外的控制功能,這可能消除了對專用串行電纜或 IR 發射器的需求。
COM 端口和 HDMI 輸出的 CEC 也可以讓顯示設備自動開關,無需使用控制系統。
DM‑NVX‑384 的設置通過網頁瀏覽器完成。通過與控制系統或 DM NVX Director® 虛擬切換設備的集成,可以實現對設備的全面控制和監控。
使用 DM NVX Director® 虛擬切換設備簡化管理
使用 DM NVX Director® 虛擬切換設備 (DM‑NVX‑DIR‑80, DM‑NVX‑DIR‑160, 或 DM‑NVX‑DIR‑ENT) 簡化整個配置和控制過程。DM NVX Director 設備提供集中管理點,並通過一個易於使用的基於網頁的門戶,實現多個虛擬矩陣切換器的創建。
Crestron XiO Cloud® 服務支持
DM‑NVX‑384 與 Crestron XiO Cloud® 服務兼容,這是一個遠程配置、監控和管理 Crestron 設備的平台,適用於企業或整個客戶群體。該服務使安裝人員和 IT 經理能夠同時部署和管理成千上萬的設備。欲了解更多信息,請參見 。
DM‑NVX‑384 可以方便地安裝在平坦的表面或機架上,並可輕鬆安裝在平板顯示器後面、天花板掛裝的投影機上方、桌面下方,或演講台、AV 推車或設備櫃內。所有連接器和 LED 指示燈都位於設備的前後部,提供最佳的可達性和可視性,確保安裝整潔且易於維護。設備供電方式可選擇 POE++ 或可選的 Crestron PW‑2420RU 電源包(另售)。
欲了解更多設計工具和參考文檔,請參閱 DM NVX feature page 特色頁面。
- 兩個 HDMI® 和兩個 USB-C® 輸入端口
- 4K60 4:4:4 視頻通過標準千兆以太網傳輸,可配置為編碼器或解碼器1
- 支持 5K 寬屏(16:9)、超寬屏(21:9)和超超寬屏(32:9)分辨率
- 支持 HDR10、HDR10+ 和 Dolby Vision® 視頻
- 通過 Pixel Perfect Processing 技術實現即時網絡視頻性能
- 企業級安全性,包括 802.1X、Active Directory® 憑證管理、TLS 和 AES-128 加密
- 一個 HDMI 輸出端口,帶 4K60 4:4:4 像素縮放功能
- 視頻牆處理
- 動態文本疊加功能
- 支持 7.1 聲道環繞聲音頻
- 支持 AES67 和模擬音頻嵌入與解嵌
- 銅纖或光纖以太網連接
- 支持 USB 2.0 和 KVM 信號擴展及路由
- 透過 RS-232、IR 和 CEC 控制設備
- 自動點對點連接
- 通過內建的網頁界面輕鬆設置
- 與 Crestron 3-Series® 或更高版本控制系統的互操作性
- 使用 DM NVX Director™ 虛擬切換設備簡化管理
- 支持 Crestron XiO Cloud™ 服務
- 緊湊型、表面安裝或機架安裝設計
- 通過 PoE++ 或可選的電源包(另售)供電
The DM‑NVX‑384 is a compact DM NVX® AV-over-IP encoder/decoder designed to function as either a transmitter or receiver. Capable of handling a network AV installation of any size, the DM‑NVX‑384 includes features such as secure web-based control and management, a scaling HDMI output, video wall processing, an analog audio input or output, native AES67 transmit and receive capability, surround sound audio, support for copper and fiber-optic Ethernet connectivity, and USB 2.0 and KVM integration.
HDMI® and USB-C® 4×1 Input Switching
The DM‑NVX‑384 includes two HDMI inputs and two USB-C inputs that comprise a 4×1 input switcher. When used as a decoder mounted behind a typical conference room display device, the HDMI input provides a convenient way to connect to a Crestron AirMedia® presentation gateway, video-conferencing codec, or small form factor computer. The USB‑C inputs allow for a DisplayPort™ Alt Mode video connection to laptops that do not feature an HDMI connection. The USB-C inputs also pass USB 2.0 data back and forth from the connected host PC and other DM NVX or DM NUX endpoints.
Switching between the four inputs can be performed automatically using auto-switching mode, programmatically via a control system, or through the web interface.
Real-Time 4K60 Video Distribution
Engineered for demanding conference room and classroom applications, DM NVX technology ensures real-time, full‑motion 4K60 video performance for the presentation of multimedia, videoconferencing, and live camera images. Interactive functions such as gameplay and using a mouse are fluid and natural.
A DM NVX system also provides stability and reliability. Line‑synchronized outputs ensure perfect synchronization of content across multiple displays for applications such as digital signage and video walls. Variable Multicast TTL (Time To Live) enables traversing multiple network routers for optimal flexibility.
Support for 5K Resolutions
The DM‑NVX‑384 introduces support for 5K video resolutions including 5K Wide (5120×2880), 5K Ultra-Wide 5120 × 2160, and 5K Super-Wide 5120 × 1440, expanding the DM NVX product family’s compatibility with the latest generation of computers, monitors, and displays.
Pixel Perfect Processing Technology
A DM NVX system incorporates Pixel Perfect Processing technology, which provides flawless video transport in all applications. Depending on the operating mode, the DM‑NVX‑384 can encode or decode a video signal to achieve imperceptible end-to-end latency of less than one frame. The image quality of the source is maintained across a 1‑Gigabit network at resolutions up to 5K Wide 4:4:4.
Enterprise-Grade Security
Using advanced security features and protocols such as 802.1X authentication, Active Directory® credential management, AES-128 content encryption, PKI authentication, TLS, SSH, and HTTPS, a DM NVX system delivers a true enterprise-grade network AV solution engineered to fulfill demanding IT policies.
Encoder and Decoder Functionality
The DM‑NVX‑384 is configurable to operate as either a network AV encoder or decoder:
- As an encoder, the DM‑NVX‑384 allows the HDMI or USB‑C signal of a laptop computer, camera, or other media source to be transmitted over the network to one or many decoders.1
- As a decoder, the DM‑NVX‑384 receives the signal from a DM NVX encoder and feeds it to a display device via the HDMI output. The decoder can quickly and easily switch between multiple encoders on the network alongside a locally connected HDMI or USB-C source.1
The DM‑NVX‑384 provides a versatile and cost-effective solution for applications that require encoder and decoder operating modes in a single device. The operating mode can be reconfigured dynamically in less than 1 minute via a control system or web browser or can be changed by using the SETUP button.
HDMI Output with 4K60 4:4:4 Scaler
When the DM‑NVX‑384 is configured as a decoder, the HDMI output feeds the decoded signal to the HDMI input of a local display device, switcher, or other equipment. The built-in scaler ensures an optimal image, scaling the encoded source resolution up or down to match the native resolution of the display device. When the DM‑NVX‑384 is configured as an encoder, the HDMI output can be used to feed a local display, confidence monitor, or audio system.1, 4
Video Wall Processing
A video wall composed of up to 64 individual displays can be configured using multiple DM NVX endpoints. Each endpoint provides fully adjustable zoom capability and bezel compensation to accommodate a range of video wall configurations and display types. One DM NVX endpoint is required per display, supporting configurations of up to eight wide by eight high.
Text Overlay
The ability to display dynamic or fixed text on screen provides a means to label the video source or to display special instructions, schedules, announcements, alerts, and other messaging.
7.1 Surround Sound Audio
DM NVX technology supports the lossless transport of 7.1 surround sound audio signals, including Dolby® TrueHD, Dolby Atmos®, DTS HD®, DTS:X®, and uncompressed linear PCM. In decoder mode, the DM‑NVX‑384 can receive both multichannel and 2-channel downmix signals from a DM-NVX-363, DM-NVX-363C, DM‑NVX‑351, or DM‑NVX‑351C encoder, allowing either signal to be selected at the HDMI output while the 2-channel signal is automatically routed to the analog output.
AES67 and DM NAX® Audio Embedding and De-embedding
AES67 support via native support for Crestron DM NAX® Audio-over-IP technology allows the selected audio source to be transmitted as a 2-channel AES67 source while another AES67 2-channel audio stream is received from a Crestron DM NAX device or other AES67 capable device and combined with the video signal.
In DM NVX encoder mode, the received AES67 audio stream can be output via the local HDMI output, primary AV stream, secondary audio stream, and analog audio output. In DM NVX decoder mode, the AES67 received audio stream can be combined with the video and then output via the HDMI output and analog audio output.
Analog Audio Embedding or De-embedding
An unbalanced stereo analog audio port is included, which can be configured as either an input or output. As an input, the port allows a stereo audio source to be connected and combined with the video signal from the HDMI input or the incoming network video stream. As an output, the port can provide a stereo line-level signal to feed a local sound system or soundbar. The output volume is adjustable via a control system or web browser.5
Breakaway Audio
A DM NVX decoder can select and combine separate video and audio signals from two different inputs or even two different encoders. Combining signals from two separate encoders is limited to 2-channel stereo audio.6
Copper or Fiber Ethernet Connectivity
The DM‑NVX‑384 includes two RJ-45 1000BASE-T ports (Ethernet ports 1 and 2) and one SFP port (Ethernet port 3). Any Ethernet port can be used to transport video over a Gigabit Ethernet network. When not used to transport network video, ports 1 and 2 can provide network connections for an AirMedia gateway, display device, or other local device. The ports can also be used to daisy-chain multiple endpoints feeding a single-source video wall or individual displays that show the same video image. Port 1 is also capable of receiving power from a POE++ compliant Ethernet switch or third-party IEEE 802.3at compliant PSE (power sourcing equipment).2, 7
The SFP port enables connection to a fiber-optic network with the use of the appropriate Crestron SFP-1G Series transceiver module (sold separately). A selection of modules is offered to accommodate various multimode and single-mode fiber types.3
A DM NVX system can be deployed on an existing corporate or campus network or on a dedicated network. For information about network requirements and guidelines, refer to the DM NVX AV-over-IP System Design Guide.
USB 2.0 and KVM Integration
DM NVX technology supports the extension of USB signals, which can be switched and routed alongside the AV signal or separately via a control system. USB 2.0 TO HOST and TO DEVICE ports are provided on the DM‑NVX‑384, allowing a USB mouse, keyboard, or other peripheral device to be connected to a remote endpoint and routed to a computer or other host at the local endpoint. In addition to KVM switch functionality, various types of USB peripherals are supported, including whiteboards, touch screens, game controllers, cameras, mobile devices, headsets, and flash drives.8
USB 2.0 data transport can be configured for Layer 2 or Layer 3. Layer 2 supports USB signal extension in point-to-point and multipoint applications. USB signals can be routed from the TO DEVICE ports of up to seven remote DM NVX endpoints to the TO HOST port of a single local DM NVX endpoint. Layer 2 also supports Crestron USB-over-Ethernet devices (DM‑NUX‑L2 or DM‑NUX‑R2, sold separately), which can be used in locations that do not include DM NVX endpoints. USB signals can be routed between DM NVX and DM NUX devices under the management of a control system.
USB 2.0 Layer 3 data transport supports USB signal extension in DM NVX point-to-point applications across VLANs.
Device Control
The DM‑NVX‑384 includes built-in COM (RS-232) and IR ports for control of the connected display, camera, or other devices by a control system. Additional control capability is provided by CEC (Consumer Electronics Control) over the HDMI connection, potentially eliminating the need for dedicated serial cables or IR emitters.
The COM port and CEC over the HDMI output can also enable the display device to be turned on or off automatically without the use of a control system.
Web-Based Setup
Setup of the DM‑NVX‑384 is accomplished by using a web browser. Full control and monitoring of the device is enabled through integration with a control system or with a DM NVX Director® virtual switching appliance.
Streamlined Management Using DM NVX Director® Virtual Switching Appliances
Use of a DM NVX Director® virtual switching appliance (DM‑NVX‑DIR‑80, DM‑NVX‑DIR‑160, or DM‑NVX‑DIR‑ENT) streamlines the entire configuration and control process. A DM NVX Director appliance provides a central point of management and enables the creation of multiple virtual matrix switchers through one easy-to-use web-based portal.
Crestron XiO Cloud® Service Support
The DM‑NVX‑384 is compatible with the Crestron XiO Cloud® service, which is a platform for remotely provisioning, monitoring, and managing Crestron devices across an enterprise or an entire client base. The service enables installers and IT managers to deploy and manage thousands of devices simultaneously. Refer to for more information.
Low-Profile Installation
The DM‑NVX‑384 mounts conveniently to a flat surface or rack rail, and fits easily behind a flat panel display, above a ceiling-mounted projector, beneath a tabletop, or inside a lectern, AV cart, or equipment cabinet. All connectors and LED indicators are positioned on the front and rear of the device, offering optimal access and visibility for a clean, serviceable installation. Power is provided using POE++ or the optional Crestron PW‑2420RU power pack (sold separately).7
Refer to the DM NVX feature page for additional design tools and reference documents.
Key Features
- Two HDMI® and two USB-C® inputs
- 4K60 4:4:4 video over standard Gigabit Ethernet, configurable as an encoder or decoder1
- Support for 5K Wide (16:9), Ultra-Wide (21:9), and Super-Wide (32:9) resolutions
- HDR10, HDR10+, and Dolby Vision® video support
- Real-time video performance over the network with Pixel Perfect Processing technology
- Enterprise-grade security including 802.1X, Active Directory® credential management, TLS, and AES-128
- One HDMI output with 4K60 4:4:4 scaler
- Video wall processing
- Dynamic text overlay capability
- 7.1 surround sound audio support
- AES67 and analog audio embedding and de-embedding
- Copper or fiber Ethernet connectivity
- USB 2.0 and KVM signal extension and routing
- Device control via RS-232, IR, and CEC
- Automatic point-to-point connectivity
- Easy setup via built-in web interface
- Interoperability with a Crestron 3-Series® or later control system
- Streamlined management using DM NVX Director™ virtual switching appliances
- Crestron XiO Cloud™ service support
- Compact, surface- or rack-mountable design
- Powered via PoE++ or optional power pack (sold separately)